Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Orrin Hatch: Leader with Clout or Senator to Doubt?

I am seriously annoyed with Orrin Hatch. and let me tell you why.

Orrin Hatch was recently (relatively) re-elected.  He campaigned about how conservative he was, and how if Mitt Romney won the election that he (Hatch) would be the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee (oooohh...).  He also made promises about stopping ObamaCare.  He made big promises about how it was "Utah's Time to Lead" and that "With Experience Comes Strength"  (This one really irks me).  Former Governer Norm Bangerter bragged about how Orrin Hatch had "clout" in the Senate (see around 47 second mark).

This is one where he talks about "With Experience Comes Strength":

DAHHHH!!!! Where's the duct tape so I can tape my head back together?!?!?!  Seriously Orrin?  "We are at a crossroads, and anyone who thinks that Orrin Hatch is going to quit or walk away from what may be some of the most critical and defining moments in American history simply does not know Orrin Hatch."  Where are you in the battling of Obamacare?  Where are you when it comes to the debt crisis?  Where are you when it comes to Benghazi?  Fast and Furious?  IRS scandal?  Heck, that one should be up your alley, since you were all about finance in your campaign, and we've found out that there have been emails going back and forth between the FEC and the IRS, which is ILLEGAL.  And yet you aren't leading that one either?  What about leading on the NSA's invasion of privacy?

You could pick any of them and lead on it.  Nobody else with "clout" or "experience" is wanting to talk about it or lead on it.  You want to know how to lead?  Look at Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and Rand Paul.  Seriously, Mike Lee has a decent plan, and you can't stand with your fellow Senator from Utah?  Why?  What it looks like to me Orrin is that you are either too old for this game or asleep at the wheel.

There is a third option, which is simply put that you have become your predecessor.  You are so drunk on power that you have forgotten your roots.  Do you remember how you got into office?  You beat the incumbent, Frank Moss, who had served 3 terms.  Do you remember what you said about him?  "What do you call a Senator who's served in office for 18 years?  You call him home."  You've been in office ever since... "serving" 6 terms!  You did take the more cowardly route to get re-elected.  You didn't want to debate Liljenquist in any sort of public forum.  I believe you did one daytime radio debate, when no one could listen.

Orrin Hatch said we were suffering from a crisis of leadership.  Orrin, perhaps you learned how to lead from President Obama?  Maybe you are leading from behind?  Either way, I did vote for you in the primaries, and I've regretted that decision ever since the elections took place.  You were lucky and survived the last election, when your destiny should have been that of Bob Bennet's.  You are carrying as much clout and leadership in office as Clint Eastwood's chair at the Republican National Convention.

You voted against S 1931, which would have extended the payroll tax holiday, shrunk the bloated government, and put some limits back into SNAP (specifically, restricting SNAP being used by people that have $1 million or more in assets).  You voted against S Amdmt 3018, which would have removed the ability of detaining U.S. citizens in the U.S. without charge or trial indefinitely.  You voted for John Brennan to be Director of the CIA (you know, the vote that Rand Paul filibustered for 13 hours to prevent from happening?).  And you've voted for the Gang of Eight bill, which has amnesty written all over it.

Orrin, you are a paper tiger with no teeth.  You have done nothing but make symbolic votes or done that which is politically expedient.  I have lost all faith and confidence in your ability to do that which is right for Utah and this country, but instead doing things that will only benefit you or your agenda.  I am done with you.  I will no longer stand up for you and the actions (or lack thereof) that you have performed in the Senate.  I don't care who is opposite you when it comes to election time, but I will not be voting for you.  I will vote 3rd party or write someone in, but I will not vote for you again,. and I hope that Northern Utah will perhaps have learned its lesson from Orrin Hatch.

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