Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day: What does it really mean?

Yesterday I spent most of Independence Day up in the mountains; away from the hustle and bustle of what happens in town celebrations for that day. Many say, "Happy 4th of July!" and the like. However, I wondered, "Why do we say 'Happy 4th of July'? Is it really that hard to say 'Independence Day'?" Then again, why do we write "Merry X-mas" instead of "Merry Christmas"? Is it because that is shorter as well? Some argue other purposes and such. I'm not going to go into the argument of people trying to take Christ out of Christmas. One, that's a very long story; and Two, that's not the point of my post. The point of my post is this: Independence Day is a big deal. Why? Many say that it was the birth of our nation, which it is. But I think some don't realize what that birth looked like and what it consisted of. July 4, 1776 was the day we signed the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. That didn't come until several years later, after the American Revolution, and after the Articles of Confederation were about to fall apart, in 1787. So, what are we celebrating on Independence Day? We are celebrating the fact that there were men like John Hancock, George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and several others; that decided to put their money where their mouth was and sign an official declaration to King George and say "Enough is enough. We are no longer going to be subject to your rule," and start a revolution. That's what this day is about. They put everything on the line, their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, so they could establish freedom, justice, sovereignty and independence. With that in mind, please remember what Independence Day really stands for while we celebrate with friends and family; while we blow up fireworks; while we do whatever we do to celebrate this Independence Day, and I don't mean the movie with Will Smith, Bill Pullman, and Jeff Goldblum. Have a great Independence Day weekend!

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