Sunday, June 9, 2013

Welcome to Rants of a Thinker!

Welcome to Rants of a Thinker!  What's the purpose of the blog?  If you couldn't get it from the title of the blog, allow me to explain.  This blog's purpose is to comment about current events, news, topics, etc. in an open forum.  I will present my point of view on the topic, and comments will be welcome to agree or disagree with the opinions presented on this blog.

Why did I create this blog?  Aren't there enough talking heads out there?  Yes, there are.  However, I believe that they are just that, talking heads.  They are hired by Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, or some other media outlet to present THEIR (the network's) opinion.  I figure that a blog is a perfect place to add this kind of commentary.  I'm not being paid to do this, and I don't know if I ever would want to be paid for doing this.

So, who am I?  I'm your typical Joe.  I work as a software engineer for a company.  I've got a wife and 2 kids (with another on the way).  I see the things that are happening around me, but I have had more important things to worry about than what's being talked about on the news, until recently.

When Barack Obama was elected President of the United States back in 2008, I knew we were in trouble.  I lived in Venezuela under the reign of Hugo Chavez for about a year and a half.  I knew what "Yes we can" really meant.  However, everyone thought  I was crazy.  And so I kept my mouth shut.

As time moved on, I noticed more and more happening.  With the scandals that broke during the first part of his administration starting to come to light at the end of 2012, I knew things were in serious trouble.  Now we have Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting nonprofit groups, the AP phone seizures, the Fox News journalist, the tracking of all phone calls on Verizon, as well as all internet activity being recorded from the top internet providers, I knew that I couldn't keep my silence anymore.

I know that somewhere in the vault of the US government that this is being tracked, recorded, and saved for purposes unknown to me; nor do I think it logical that they do so.  However, there needs to be a record somewhere that states the obvious: this is WRONG.

Thus,  I decided to create this blog.  This blog will state what needs to be said, but that no one will say.  I hope that you enjoy and hopefully learn something from it.

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